Thursday, September 1, 2011

Hops Sachet for Insomnia

Margaret Thatcher once said that sleep is for wimps and she may be right; however, many of us need much more shut eye than we’re getting. 
Many who suffer from insomnia knows the affliction has carried some famous names with it such as Napoleon, Ben Franklin, Abraham Lincoln and King George III.  What we don’t know is how most in the past decided to fight it.
In our contemporary society, physicians will check for sleep apnea and then possibly recommended sleeping pills or something stronger to help the awakened victim drift off to into next dimension.  For many of us pharmaceuticals are not an option we’d like to consider. So, one can certainly partake in the various natural remedies, with a professional’s guidance, such as ingesting valerian root to obtain some shut eye. 
In my quest for a natural remedy for sleep, I came across the hops pillow.  In fact, many say it cured King George III of his aliment.
The hops vine is a perennial, fast growing and a climbing plant.  It can reach heights of 33 feet during the growing season. It’s used to brew beer since most grains do not keep well, so bitter herbs such as hops are added for flavor and to preserve the beer.  Hops also had sedative properties and can be enjoyed in a spa like bath as well.
To make your hops sleep sachet:

You will need:

One large muslin bag
Dried hops to fill the bag
**lavender blossoms
**a few drops of jasmine oil.

Place hops into a bowl, mix with the lavender blossoms and add a few drops of jasmine essential oil to the mixture.  Let dry and stuff your bag with the herbs. Place underneath your pillow or hang from your bedpost.
If you have sewing skills, by all means, make a large pillow and fill it with dry hops.  You can add different oils such as jasmine, rose or lavender to your own liking.  Remember not to make it too strong and if you suffer from allergies, any type of sachet made with herbs or plants may cause other problems.
Hopefully, your hops sachet will let the dreams begin!

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