The full moon has long been considered a wondrous event by societies throughout the ages. The full moon reminds us that we too can be whole and it beckons us to take action to meet our life goals.
I often use the full moon to reiterate a major change in my life which I prayed for underneath the new moon. On the night of a new moon, I may battle a bad habit, such as smoking cigarettes; or, think about something I’d like to draw into my life, such as a relationship.
Then, on the night of the full moon, I will hold a private ceremony outdoors to solidify my desires.
Every ceremony can be different and please feel free to add your elements, magickal tools, prayers and style. Never fall into another’s dogma. Create your own to empower yourself. Sometimes, we can certainly afford an elaborate spread for worship and other times, we can simply use what we can find in the backyard. Either way, own the power. It’s yours.
This ceremony focuses on the autumnal full moon, gives thanks for the harvest and hold elements to represent this specific time of the year.
Okay. Let’s get started.
What you will need:
Four candles: Green, yellow, red and blue.
Items that represent the season: apples, small pumpkins, gourds, fresh fallen leaves, or corn stalks, to name a few.
Sage Smudge
A small bowl of sea salt
A small bowl of blessed water
A fire proof bowl for burning (I use a small fire pit on the side of my altar)
A small, hand-held besom sweep
A small altar bell
Two small pieces of Paper
- Create your sacred space on an outside altar and gather your items together and place them upon your space. I place my four unlit candles in the center of my altar until they are ready to be used. I try my best to get under the moon if I can. If you cast a protective circle, this is the time to do so. Light your sage smudge and place it into a pot and use your besom sweep to push the smoke over your altar to purify it.
- Many traditions begin their ceremonies from the East. I have chosen to start with the North. I begin by ringing the altar bell to clear the air. Light the green candle and hold it to the sky and say a prayer of your own or you can use mine.
I call upon the powers of the Earth,
Made by our Creator
To come into my sacred circle,
May you bless us and keep us
During our thankful abundance
At this Season of the Harvest.
Place the green candle on the Northern section of your altar.
- Light the yellow candle and hold it to the sky and recite:
I call upon the Power of the Air,
Made by our Creator
To come into my Sacred Circle,
May your power sweep away all negativity
And usher in abundance
At this Season of the Harvest.
Place the yellow candle on the Eastern section of your altar.
- Light the red candle and hold it to the sky and recite:
I call upon the Powers of Fire
Made by our Creator
To Come into my Sacred Circle
May you cleanse me of all negativity
And place the fire of passion into my heart
At this Season of the Harvest.
Place the red candle on the Southern part of your altar.
- Light the blue candle and hold it to the sky and recite:
I call upon the Powers of the Water,
Made by Our Creator
To Come into My Sacred Circle
May you wash all woes and impurities
From my heart
And cleanse me with your powers
At this Season of the Harvest.
Place the blue candle on the Western part of your altar.
As the candles burn, I raise my hands to the sky and recite:
Majestic Moon, Hear my Calling,
I celebrate the Season of the Harvest.
As the Wheel turns, I ask for love,
For abundance and contentment.
I ask for bad habits to die and be
Replaced with those that can uplift me and the world.
And so it shall be!
- Take the pen and paper and write down what you want released from of your life. Whether it be a bad habit, such as smoking, to end an unhealthy relationship, bad luck, debt, etc.
- Crumble up the paper and throw into your fire pit or small fire. Watch it burn and say aloud or over again to yourself that this particular issue is out of your life. NOTE: Please be careful when working with fire.
- Take the pen and paper and write down what you would like to welcome into your life, whether if be health, love, to mend a friendship, etc. Place the piece of paper underneath your small water bowl and pray for it to come to you. Visualize it and see it. Make the dream you wish for all yours.
Depending upon the weather and my mood, there are various ways I will end the ritual. Sometimes, I will simply open my circle and end it quickly. Other times, I will sit and mediate until the candles have gone out. The choice is yours.
The next full moon arrives on September 12, 2011 at 09:27 UTC. The moon will be in the sign of Pisces and is called the Corn Moon or the Harvest Moon. It will be directly opposite the Earth from the Sun.
Blessings for a successful full moon rising!