Dandelion Fritters
While others use chemicals (YUCK!) to kill the dandelions in their yards, I pick mine for use in this wonderful recipe. The picture shown above is of dandelion flowers dipped in crushed GMO-free Uncle Sam cereal and sprinkled down with Cajun spices. Be creative. Enjoy!Gather only the top of the dandelion flowers and begin to place them in a bowl or a paper bag. Pick them in the sunshine when they are fully opened and only when you have enough time to actually make the fritters right away; otherwise the flowers will close up on you. Of course, you can still make the fritters but the heads are much nicer opened.
· 30 dandelion flower heads
· 1 1/4 cup cornmeal or crushed Uncle Sam cereal (I put about a cup in a plastic bag and use my rolling pin to bring it to a crumb consistency).
· 1 1/4 cup almond milk
· 1 egg
· Coconut oil for frying
· 1/2 tsp sea salt
When you have filled your bowl or bag with about 30 dandelion heads, bring them inside, wash them and pat them dry. Combine your almond milk, salt, egg.
Prepare your pan by using about ¼ inch of coconut oil. Set your heat to medium and let the oil get hot.
Grab the dandelion head by the little green stem on the flower and dip it into the almond milk mixture and then into the crumb coating, turning to coat thoroughly. I sometimes use a spoon to assure the entire flower is covered on both sides.
Place the flowers into the hot oil with the flower side down. Fry them until you can easily flip them with a spatula. They remind me of making fish filet because they can easily fall apart. Be careful when turning them over. Try not to force them otherwise they will fall apart. Cook to a golden brown. Remove them from the oil and drain on a paper towel.