Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Until We Meet Again

The cool, crisp airs blows, as the colored leaves begin to fall.  October is upon us and so is the time to prepare to remember your loved ones past.  It’s a time to celebrate the past, acknowledge the present and to lay out a road map for the future.

It all began for me back in my first year of college, and I can still distinctly remember the first day where the professor discussed physics and Einstein’s relativity theory.  After that one semester, I could not help but think there was so much more to the universe and to life than I had ever known.

Energy transforms.  The human body is energy.  Interesting concept whether one looks at it from as scientific perspective or a faith-based one.  Now, without bringing out my old physics books and discussing thermo energy and other forms of energy, I must say I feel the same science is applicable to human soul.  And, I’m aware I’m not alone.

In old time Europe, bonfires were lit on October 31st, not only to make a statement that the fires would burn throughout the cold winter, but to also light the path for the dearly departed as they traveled on this special evening. 

Many believe this is the perfect time of the year to contact our loved ones who have moved across to a different dimension.  The veil between our world and theirs’ is said to be the thinnest and communication is easier than any other time of the year.

If you cannot make it to Mexico during the Day of the Dead, or to a Catholic Church on
All Soul’s Day, or visit Spain as Don Juan Tenorio plays out, you can recreate homage to your loved ones who have passed in your own home.

I find a space in my home where I can construct an altar.  I place candles, sage, salt, earth from my backyard and other items to welcome and signify fall. 

I place pictures and belongings of my loved ones around my altar and I will light my candles, pray and remember.  Often, I can get my young sons involved as I tell stories and tales from my ancestors' past.  Sometimes I cry, sometimes I laugh, but I remember and will continue to do so until someday I meet them all again.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Feet, Feet and More Feet!

by Michael Montgomery

We stand on them, use them to pedal a bike, run with them and even tickle them!  Their job is more cumbersome than you think and they hold about one-quarter of your body’s bones.  But, the feet have become an ignored part of our body and they shouldn’t be.
 Your feet are your foundation.  They help you balance, determine your posture and support your body’s weight.  Many stand on their feet for long hours at a time so foot care can be most important for vitality and good health. Problems with one’s feet can lead to discomfort, back pain and even headaches.
           One should wash their feet daily with a soap, such as Witchy Kiss™ Tired, Achin’ Dirty Dogs, that contains elements such as tea tree oil.  It’s great for inhibiting bacterial growth and odor.  Pay special attention to the area in between your toes and dry your feet thoroughly.
          Wear cotton socks.  They absorb moisture more efficiently than synthetic made socks and will allow your piggies to breathe better.
          Avoid wearing the same shoes daily and pay special attention that the shoes you have purchased truly fit your feet.
          Soak your feet once a week in Dead Sea or mineral salt to extract toxins and keep bacteria under control.  You can always try Witchy Kiss™ aromatic, soothing Footsie Tootsie Foot Baths.
          Avoid high heels during the work day and take your shoes off upon arriving at home.  Breathing feet are happy feet. 
          Pamper your feet once a week with a homemade foot scrub.

You will need:

1 Tablespoon course ground oatmeal

1 Tablespoon cornmeal

1 Tablespoon brown sugar

1 Tablespoon plain yogurt

2 Teaspoons of dried peppermint leaves

A few squirt from a lime

A few squirts from a lemon

3 drops of peppermint essential oil**

1.                          Combine cornmeal, oatmeal sugar and peppermint leaves in a bowl and mix well.

2.                          Add lime juice, lemon juice, yogurt and the essential oil and mix into a grit filled paste.

3.                          Rub the mixture into your feet, paying special attention to your soles and heels.

4.                          Rinse and dry thoroughly.  Repeat once a week.

The peppermint will deodorize and cool your skin while the brown sugar will remove dead skin cells.  Your feet will be soft, happy and you’ll experience better health overall in no time. 

**Always take heed to allergies and reactions when using herbs and essential oils.  Essential oils can react with certain prescription medicines. Never use essential oils on children, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.  One should always seek the advice of their healthcare professional if they have any concerns.